Almost. Call me crazy, but last week I told myself something I never thought I'd say. I said that I was going to completely cut dairy out of my diet. Yes, it's true. This is coming from someone who very much enjoys giant bowls of cereal, a mug of ice cream with milk poured on top (pretty much my favorite dessert ever!), cheese on my pizza, cheese on my sandwiches, sour cream, baked goods, cream puffs, and just a good 'ole glass of ice cold milk. Why in the world would I think to stop consuming such delicious milky goodness? T and I thought maybe E was reacting to it. She had been so fussy and with out lack of sleep every night, we were going down the list of possible triggers. T thought she might have reflux or be sick. I thought maybe she wasn't getting enough milk or she hated us. Then I threw out my dairy-free idea and we both agreed I should give it a shot. That lasted all of half a day. It started out great. Instead of my bowl of cereal with extra milk or my bread with butter and chocolate sprinkles (it's a Dutch thing...thank you Dutchies!) I opted for a bowl of oatmeal cooked with water instead of the suggested milk for breakfast. For lunch I left off the cheese on my sandwich. I don't remember exactly what we had for dinner that night, since it was a whole week ago, but there was no milk product involved. Then I got hungry again. I needed some dessert. I didn't want a PB&J. I didn't want fruit. I wanted ice cream. So after I nursed E, I broke down and ate a Mars ice cream bar. You know, a frozen Mars bar. The next night I continued to spend the day dairy-free, but when it came time for dessert, I busted open the freezer and ate a bunch of cream puffs.
So what! I might not have cut myself off from dairy, but I've cut WAY back. I don't know if it's my dairy diet or E's finally getting her act together and getting on her own schedule, but she's going to bed much easier (I'll save our struggles with bedtime for another post) and seems to be spitting up and pooping ALL the time a LOT less.
Because I'm such a milk lover and didn't really want to give it up, I started researching alternatives. One product I read a lot about was almond milk. I had never tried it before. I had tried coconut milk before and hated it! So I was a bit nervous to test out the almond milk, especially since it came in a quarter gallon size and nothing smaller. I ended up getting it and this morning used it in place of water for my oatmeal. Let me tell you something, oatmeal has never tasted SO GOOD! I have yet to taste it straight up, but maybe I'll try it tomorrow.
Have you ever had to give up dairy? What are your favorite dairy-free meals? Do you have any healthy dairy-free snack/dessert options?
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